They Will Have to Kill Us First

Directed by Johanna Schwartz
Mali, UK, 2015, 105 min.

Thursday Evening Documentary Film

When radical jihadists take control of Northern Mali in 2012, they ban all music and establish sharia law. Many musicians from Timbuktu and other cities flee to the relative safety of Bamako in Southern Mali. The film follows four musicians who are now refugees: Khaira Arby, Fadimata “Disco” Walet Oumar, the Songhoy Blues, and Moussa Sidi. For these musicians, however, there is no force in the world strong enough to keep them from performing their music, except death.

In French, Songhay, Bambara, Tamashek with English subtitles.

Thursday, March 2nd 2017 | 7:00pm
PCC Cascade

Note: Thursday Evening Documentary Film
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